Tulip Media

Entrepreneurial thoughts

I tested Merci Jack, the specialist in work and maintenance of commercial premises

Today, I wanted to share with you my test of the Merci Jack solution, which I use for Libshop.paris. Merci Jack is a network of craftsmen allowing entrepreneurs, VSEs, SMEs and larger structures to subcontract all technical maintenance and development work on their premises and commercial areas. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cWOAdo0rt/  


Is Kinsta the best WordPress host on the market?

Choosing the right host for your WordPress blog is not easy. There is a wide variety of offers, and comparing them is a real task. This article is intended for a particular host, called Kinsta, and which in my opinion will be the optimal solution for those

Create a shortcode for the permalink of a WordPress article

I needed to create a shortcode allowing me to display the link to a WordPress article. To do this, here is the code that I added to my functions.php file: [code] add_shortcode( 'my_permalink', 'my_permalink' ); // The Permalink Shortcode function my_permalink() { ob_start(); the_permalink(); return ob_get_clean(); } [/code] And there was

Add to Home Screen WordPress Plugin

Hi! I'm happy to share with you my WordPress plugin called Add to Home Screen WP. This plugin is based on the awesome Add to Home Screen script by Matteo Spinelli from Cubiq.org. This script places a floating balloon inviting the user to add your website to home screen of his iPhone,

The ultimate guide to opening and growing your restaurant

Here is a course that allows you to become aware of the issues linked to the digitalization of catering, and to the foodtechization of the hotel industry in general. Don't hesitate to share it, but remember to notify me 😉 The course will be enhanced at the rate of one article per week, stay tuned and don't hesitate

Course: Introduction to Management 2.0 and the digitalization of an organization

Here is a free and open course that will allow you to learn about digital entrepreneurship and management 2.0. Through this course, I will try to convey to you the different thoughts related to the digitalization of a company, and how to adapt your teams to the challenges of web 2.0. I. Theoretical introduction

Course: Social Media explained to everyone

Free and open course: Introduction to Social media and social networks. Summary of the Social Media course that I taught at the Sup de Pub communication school (INSEEC Group). Learn how today's social media works, and how to implement your own Social Media strategy to generate

BuddyPress: how to remove rich text on xprofile text area

Here is a little trick for BuddyPress to remove the rich text functionalities of the editor from the xProfile text areas, like bio field for example. Add this custom code to bp-custom.php to disable the rich text: [code] /*———-*/ /* REMOVE rich text on xprofile text area /*———-*/ function antipole_remove_rich_text(

BuddyPress Tip: How to Remove Visual Editor from Text Profile Fields

A little tip that I share with you and which is very useful on BuddyPress installations: it consists of removing the right of users of your social network to use the “rich text feature” (which includes italics, bold, etc.) in “multi-line” profile fields, such as the


Foodvisor: your new slimming ally and personalized nutritional coach

Need a slimming coach to get back in shape? Want to know how many calories each dish you eat every day contains? Foodvisor may be the mobile app for you. Very contemporary and in tune with the times, this app allows you to define in a single shot the number of

Our best ideas come in the shower

Many of us, entrepreneurs, managers, artists, creators and do-it-yourselfers are sometimes lacking inspiration. Blank page syndrome. The anxiety of a creative routine. But there is a place where your creativity can be stimulated: the shower! Wait and see… One of the most intimate places in the world In the shower,


My latest tweets

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Ultimate top of the best proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / mature cheese / legumes

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Adding collagen to protein meals or eating cartilage with meat is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass in terms of longevity.

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Secret of longevity: find meat from animals that are not mainly fed soybean meal, sunflower, corn, and other cereals.

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