Tulip Media

Entrepreneurial thoughts

Payfit test: my opinion on the best payroll solution

Payfit is an online payroll management solution that promises to simplify the payroll process for entrepreneurs. Having been a customer of this solution myself for several years, I share with you here my feedback on the functionalities of this tool, its advantages compared to an accountant

best cash register software for restaurants and stores

The best cash register software for shops and restaurants in 2024

Small business, large restaurant, food truck, florist or coffee shop, do you need a cash register that allows you to be quick in your actions, efficient and at the cutting edge of technology? Why not choose some of the most innovative cash register software here?

best specialized wordpress hosts

My top 10 best specialized WordPress hosts in 2024

WordPress is the content management system favored by online website creators. Around 30% of the internet platforms currently available online are built around this system which has the particularity of being easy to configure, secure and above all to use on a daily basis. You are

PWA: definition, interest and future of Progressive Web Applications

PWA is the abbreviation for a progressive web app, that is to say an application-type environment accessible from a mobile browser without going through an application store such as the App Store or Google Play. In other words, it's an optimized way to display a website for mobile, with all the constraints

Brand trends: authenticity, this new universal

Advertising, communication, strategy: what if authenticity and a return to roots were the new battlehorse for brands? Note: This chapter initially published in 2018 is part of a series of courses on Social Media, the summary of which can be found here. In 2012, I told you

The advantages of using Alan as a company mutual for employees

Employee benefits are becoming increasingly important in the modern business world. Especially since now, offering mutual insurance to your company's employees has become obligatory. What was seen as a constraint by entrepreneurs ultimately turns out to be a good HR policy argument in order to

Snippet WP: remove the WordPress menu from the top admin bar

A small PHP function by the way which allows you to remove the small WordPress logo from the administration bar, and therefore save a little space at the top of a WordPress blog on the administrator side: // Remove WP logo and WP dropdown menu from top admin bar function admin_bar_remove_logo() { global

The 10 best tips for effectively running your social networks

You manage the communication of a brand, an association, a brand, a restaurant or simply one of your customers, and you are looking for ideas to improve the support of your brand on social networks , increase the number of subscribers, the reach of your posts and generate interaction. Whether it be


My latest tweets

New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Ultimate top of the best proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / mature cheese / legumes

New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Adding collagen to protein meals or eating cartilage with meat is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass in terms of longevity.

New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Secret of longevity: find meat from animals that are not mainly fed soybean meal, sunflower, corn, and other cereals.

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