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Entrepreneurial thoughts

The 10 key points of your digital strategy

Here is a possible methodology for developing and implementing a digital strategy, broken down into 10 major points on which we can work during the upstream reflection phase. These 10 points can easily be broken down as a methodology, and therefore be applied chronologically, from the

Change the Default Excerpt Length in WordPress

The WordPress excerpt via the_excerpt() function is a brief summary of a post from your WordPress blog that appears where it is called, usually on archive pages (categories, tag, author pages), results search and, in some cases, on the home page of your site, but also in

Start-ups, digital and entrepreneurship: the cult of cargo in business strategy

How many times have we found ourselves imitating the behavior of others, with the more or less conscious aim of achieving the same results? How many resources are allocated by companies to standardize their communication, their positioning and their strategy on leading companies in their market? And above all, what analysis has

Why Entrepreneurs Should Learn to Code

Note: This chapter initially published in 2012 and republished in 2023 is the 5th in a series of courses on Management 2.0, the summary of which can be found here. The question raised, which has already bothered a good number of web entrepreneurs, is the following: Do you have to be an expert

To innovate, sometimes ignore surveys, statistics and consumer opinions

I share with you here a little reflection that I made to myself and according to which to innovate and reinvent oneself, we should perhaps sometimes try not to be a slave to figures and statistics, because survey people who by nature are resistant to change can push us to

Smartphones and social networks: from communication to egotrip

Since the advent of smartphones, then the arrival of web 2.0, through Facebook, Twitter and later Snapchat, Instagram, Google Maps and Tripadvisor for reviews, the means of communication have never been so numerous and intense . If there have never been so many ways to communicate, it is clear

SEO: Boost site traffic by combining push content and pull content

Note: article initially published in 2012, and republished in 2023 because it is still relevant in terms of SEO strategy. Today, I'm going to talk to you about an SEO concept that I recently formalized: push & pull content, notions that appeal to those of information seekers and information takers. I actually have

I tested the eS3 and eS Pro electric scooter from Askoll

Askoll is an Italian brand that is making its debut in the urban mobility sector. With the ES3, the brand has taken a step forward in the electric scooter market. Based on its predecessor the ES2, this new electric moped seems to gain in performance and endurance. I had the opportunity to

10 changes in management and recruitment

We are experiencing a period of transition in the world of work, marked by the advent of web 2.0 and collaborative information systems. Consequently, the avenues mentioned below may be useful to you whether for recruiting or being recruited, but also for managing your career, undertaking, imagining

Business and entrepreneurship: why we should not confuse quality control and compliance with standards with the desired objective

I will take advantage of some real examples that I have been confronted with recently to discuss my opinion on the disproportionate allocation of resources to quality control and compliance with “standards” (which sometimes only have standards in name), and which has often resulting in the dispersal of human efforts and the defocusing of

Create a website for an SME/VSE

Which web strategy should an SME/VSE choose? What kind of site should you create and why? How to take advantage of your online presence? I will try to give you some answers, while maintaining a relatively high level of abstraction because it is above all a question of


My latest tweets

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Vitality, longevity, weight loss: the ultimate guide to proteins in the keto-Mediterranean diet is online on Blooness. https://buff.ly/3xxNvpj

New shorts on Blooness 👉 The new premium content comes out in 48 hours, and what content! This will be the most comprehensive guide on the amount of protein to consume on a keto-Mediterranean diet. See you soon !

New Post: Combo, the best solution to put an end to the headache of scheduling and HR management https://buff.ly/4eE6JtT

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