WordPress Snippet: display custom text after the title of an article in a specific category

Reminder: here is a small snippet of code to add to your functions.php file in order to display a small text tag just after the title of an article, if it belongs to a particular category.

This is useful when, for example, you want to emphasize the fact that this article belongs to a particular category. I use it in particular when I want to make micro-articles of a few lines, in order to make the reader understand that it is a “short” of two or three lines, and not a real developed article, or when I want to display the label “Members Zone” for private articles reserved for members, as in the example below.

In the example below, you just need to replace the words “shorts” and “Members area” with the categories of your choice.

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function label_after_post_title($title, $post_id) {
if (is_admin()) {
return $title;

if ( in_the_loop() && has_category( 'shorts', $post_id ) ) {
return $title . &#039; • <span class=" »shorts-category »">[SHORTS]</span>&#039;;

if ( in_the_loop() && has_category( 'members', $post_id ) ) {
return $title . &#039; • <span class=" »shorts-category »">[MEMBERS AREA]</span>&#039;;

return $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'label_after_post_title', 10, 2);

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🥘 What cooking for health?
1️⃣ Marion Vitalizer: Preserves nutrients
2️⃣ Cast iron or stainless steel pan: Healthy alternative to chemical non-stick coatings
3️⃣ Low temperature oven
4️⃣ At low temperature: avoids the formation of toxic compounds

🍳The best cooking fats for health?
1️⃣ Beef fat
2️⃣ Lard
3️⃣ Clarified butter made from raw milk
4️⃣ Coconut oil
5️⃣ Olive oil
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Calcium, magnesium, potassium… Make sure you get enough by eating foods rich in these minerals to support your vital functions.
👉 Discover the role of mineral salts on http://blooness.com.

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