Tulip Media

Entrepreneurial thoughts

A Twitter timeline in a widget without retweets

A mini-tutorial for embedding a Twitter widget without inserting RTs. Useful when you want to place the widget of a corporate Twitter on a showcase site for example, and you do not want to include any retweets that the community manager might make.

To do this, nothing could be simpler, all you need to do is:

  • go to the widget configurator
  • click on “Create new” widget
  • in the search query, type from:username -RT (instead of username, type the username of the Twitter account you want to export as a widget). The -RT tells the widget not to integrate retweets 😉
  • Adjust the other settings as you see fit, then copy and paste the embed code into your site.

Normally, RTs are no longer visible in the embedded timeline!


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