WordPress tip: put images in the RSS feed
Here is a very simple code which will allow you to insert your featured image in your RSS feed, so that, when you relay your feed on a social network like Facebook for example, the image can accompany the title and the presentation of your post. Please leave
Change WordPress Default Email Address
Here is a little tip which concerns the bloggers who use the WordPress CMS. By default, WordPress uses the email « » and the name « WordPress » to send some notifications to users. This little piece of code will improve the wp_mail function of WordPress and let you personnalize the sender email
Change WordPress Default Sender
Petite astuce rapide à destination des utilisateurs du CMS WordPress, lassés de voir la fonction wp_mail envoyer des messages automatiques à leurs utilisateurs sous l’e-mail « « . Pour pallier à ce problème, il n’existe malheureusement pas de réglages dans le backend de WordPress. Du coup, voici un petit filtre vu sur

Tutorial and guide on WordPress post formats
How to transform a WordPress theme into a real fun Tumblr-style blog using Custom Post Formats: personalized post formats. Follow the guide, and learn how to activate, install and use them on your theme!