Foodvisor: your new slimming ally and personalized nutritional coach


Need a slimming coach to find your figure ? Want to know how many calories does each dish contain What do you eat every day? Foodvisor may be the mobile app you need.

Very contemporary and in tune with the times, this app allows you to define in a single snapshot the number of calories on your plate and also detail the content, in particular the distribution of macro-nutrients (Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Fibers) and nutritional information (sodium, magnesium, vitamins, etc.).

What is it about ?

Created by young graduates from Centrale Paris, Foodvisor is a mobile application that allows you, through a simple photograph, to define the nutritional value of a dish.

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Available on iOS and Android, the start-up has already been used by a large number of fans of personalized nutritional coaching since January 2018.

The principle is simple: each time you photograph the dish on your plate, Foodvisor begins to identify the ingredients that make it up to deduce the quantity, the number of calories present and the nutritional information.

The application's algorithms currently have more than a million annotated photographs, allowing it to distinguish a thousand different foods. Based essentially on color, this recognition sometimes leads to confusion. But fortunately the application allows you to provide some details on the exact nature of your food in order to correct the algorithm's errors.


My personal test with Foodvisor

Personally, it's an app that I use every day and which has completely revolutionized the way I eat.

Having recently become aware of the issue of nutrition, Foodvisor allows me to cook recipes adapted to my objectives and my lifestyle, based in particular on a low-carb diet. So, without being an ayatollah of slimming diets, I can moderate the carbohydrate intake in my dishes, and increase the lipid intake.

Here are some examples of my dishes scanned by Foodvisor:


Additional features

Better than a simple personalized nutritional coach, Foodvisor also presents itself as a real ally for shopping in supermarkets. Indeed, the application turns out to be an excellent barcode detector that allows you to scan products sold in the supermarket.

No more wasting time trying to decipher all the information displayed on labels, Foodvisor does it in just a few clicks.


A real slimming coach

Finally, Foodvisor also includes THE much sought-after functionality of slimming coaching. Because in addition to calculating the calories you eat every day, the application is also compatible with different sports applications. It helps you adapt your eating habits according to your sporting activities and your goals, and allows you to stay in great shape despite your diet.

Thanks to a Premium account, you have access to different types of diets (Mediterranean, vegetarian, low carb, etc.), an instant discussion with dietitians from Foodvisor as well as different easy-to-make recipes.


Should I recommend Foodvisor?

Without a doubt, yes! Test it out, and without being a “prisoner” of it, because you also have to know how to have fun, your way of cooking will incorporate a very playful aspect!

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