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Nexx helmets: or how to combine design, comfort and safety

Here I share some photos of my new Jet helmet from Nexx, purchased in 2020 and bought back a few days ago in 2023, so 3 years later, still with the same brand, on Amazon at the best price.

For scooterists at heart, I recommend their 100% helmets, I find that they are an ideal synthesis between design, comfort and safety, at an affordable price.

I opted for the Clubhouse helmet, with a neo-retro look, which will delight urban scooterists concerned about the “design” aspect of their helmet. It features an interior designed with breathable, hypoallergenic fabric and premium leather.

I opted for the brown color 3 years ago, and I bought it in gray.

To find this inexpensive, designer and super pretty helmet, as well as other designer helmets from the Nexx brand, it's here on Amazon.


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