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Entrepreneurial thoughts

The new GMAIL is out, here's what's changing

Google announced it some time ago, new version of Gmail was going to see the light of day, and the most curious could already activate it in advance, before this new interface was imposed on everyone.

And it is now the case: the new version is starting to be deployed all over the world. But then, what changes?

Viewing attachments without opening emails

The most notable thing is this new display of attachments, which is really practical for those who want to see the attachments received at a glance without opening each email.

For those who receive a lot of attachments and who don't want to clutter the interface can always choose a “compact” display mode.

Gsuite marketplace on the right

On the right, we see a vertical menu leading straight to Gsuite marketplace, which will allow you to launch Google Calendar, Google Tasks and other marketplace applications.

Shortcuts when hovering over the email

It is finally possible to archive an email, for example, by hovering over it. No more checking or swiping the email. A very practical feature that will save time.

Another new feature, and not the least, is the “put on hold” option for an email, on this hover menu, which allows you to process an email later! Super useful, for those who procrastinate and end up forgetting to process an old email!

The Smart Reply option

Google now offers the Smart Reply option which allows the user to respond more quickly to messages by suggesting replies adapted to the situation. Google's artificial intelligence is used and requires the American giant to scan your emails, which will not please some!

Confidential mode

The advent of the ephemeral web has been emulated! Gmail is also doing this, with “confidential mode”, which allows you to give a limited lifespan to the message you are going to send.

That's about it, if you've noticed any other new features, don't hesitate to share them in the comments!


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