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Entrepreneurial thoughts

Category: Vie pro

Professional life

How to lose your job?

Do you have a job and want to experience the intense joys of unemployment? Nothing could be more normal... As I'm still really nice, I

Professional life

These companies that students love

Like every year, we recently had the right to the endless charts for everything and anything. To believe that our fellow human beings cannot

Professional life

The best excuses for “skipping” work

Who has never wanted to stay at home one morning, especially Monday, rather than go to work? Don't worry, it's relatively common and


My latest tweets

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Ultimate top of the best proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / mature cheese / legumes

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Adding collagen to protein meals or eating cartilage with meat is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass in terms of longevity.

New shorts on Blooness 👉 Secret of longevity: find meat from animals that are not mainly fed soybean meal, sunflower, corn, and other cereals.

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