Tulip Media

Entrepreneurial thoughts

Day: October 30, 2023


Why Entrepreneurs Should Learn to Code

Note: This chapter initially published in 2012 and republished in 2023 is the 5th in a series of courses on Management 2.0, including


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New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Ultimate top of the best proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / mature cheese / legumes

New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Adding collagen to protein meals or eating cartilage with meat is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass in terms of longevity.

New shorts on Blooness ๐Ÿ‘‰ Secret of longevity: find meat from animals that are not mainly fed soybean meal, sunflower, corn, and other cereals.

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