Tulipe Media

Réflexions entrepreneuriales

SEO advice: be carefull with automatic Browser Language Redirect!

If you are using the WPML extension on your WordPress blog and if you activated the automatic redirect depending on the visitor’s language, then this will save you! Indeed, the Google Index penalizes redirects based on the browser’s language of your visitor. Worse, you won’t even be able to have advertising campaigns on Google Ads!

So to avoid being kicked out by Google, deactivate any automatic redirect that will be interpreted by Google as “sneaky redirects”. Other illicit practices such as concealment techniques, keywords accumulation, doorway pages and spamdexing on social networks will cause algorithmic sanctions.

If you are using WPML, go to General Settings, then tick “Disable browser language redirect”. Nevermind if the redirect is not practical.

If you want to display the right content for your readers, clearly display the button “language switcher” and they will change it to the right language. You will then see your website going up in Google results, including for translated pages, which should improve the relevancy of the content displayed depending on users’ language.

Have a nice day!


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