How to promote dating solutions with Facebook Ads?

You are launching a new dating business with an app or website? This short guide will help you promote your dating solution. Once online, your website will only knock out Tinder and Meetic if you know how to promote it! That’s where Facebook Ads steps in as a great opportunity yet with obstacles.

Indeed, 2.23 billion people use Facebook each month and the social network is very selective with dating advertisers. Especially because Facebook wants to launch its own dating solution soon. That is why you will have to prove that you are acceptable: here is how to do it, with no guaranteed results!

Step 1: Check that your dating solution is in line with Facebook rules

Facebook established a list of very clear and restraining conditions

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Will be resolutely refused by Facebook:

  • « Adult friend finder » types of services
  • « Mail-order-bride » types of service

Your ad must not include:

  • Images that are pixelated or blurred
  • « Selfie » images, where a person is visibly photographing themselves
  • Text that suggests a person has been or will be searched for or interacted with through the promoted service
  • « 5 women have already searched for you! » and other fooling suggestions
  • Text that implies a connection between Facebook Messenger and a promoted service
  • Text that references specific ages or age ranges

Step 2: Submit your application to become a dating service advertiser

To do so, you must fill in a form. Make sure to fill each field with precision, being the most transparent and clear as you can. Facebook wants to check that your website is no scam and that users are going to pay for an actual service.Then, give them credentials so they can connect to your website.

Click here to fill in the form

Step 3: Send your Facebook Ad consistent with a dating service

So that your targeting is in line with Facebook policies when creating your target audience, you need to follow the instructions below.

  • In Ads Manager, create an Ad and and go to the Ad set to define your audience.
  • Click in the text field next to Detailed Targeting. Search for « single » and select Single > Relationship status and Relationship status > Unspecified.
  • Next click Narrow Audience directly below the Detailed Targeting section
  • Search for any other interest you want to add, such as hobbies

If you’re using the API, the process is explained here.

If you meet these three conditions, you should normally enjoy Facebook’s strike force to promote your services.

Good luck with your new business!

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